Sustainable Business Development Perspectives. Proceedings of Scientific Papers



While the issue of environmental protection and sustainable development has been richly explored in theory, the practical implementation of the rules and principal into social life and enterprise practice has remained neglected. The paper focuses on environmental education, whose aim is the changeover in thinking and attitudes of the present-day economically active population and that of the young generation. Environmental education is to be understood from the conceptual aspect as an organic part of the entire complex of education and training, not excluding further professional education. Environmental education is not the most recent issue: formal education has been dealing with the nature protection and care for the environment since the 1970-ies. Environmental education is promoted in all types of schools, either in direct in-class instruction or indirectly through special interest (hobby) education. It is essential to pass from the theoretical analysis and discussions about environmental problems to their utilisation in practice. An important role in this process is played by managers. The focus of our empirical research is on attitudes, opinions and environmental thinking of line managers. The paper is a partial outcome from the nation-wide research project scheme VEGA, No. 1/0328/21: ‟Post-pandemic Business Management: identification of temporary and sustainable changes in sequential and parallel management functions in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic”.

Klíčová slova

Sustainable development, environmental education, environmental management, managers’ attitudes, pro-environmental attitude


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