Life in Health 2021: Research and Practice. Proceedings of the International Conference held on 9–10 September 2021



Health and safety education implemented in the accordance with the framework curriculum of elementary education develops pupils' relationship to health and provides a space for consolidating their skills to promote health and safety. It participates in shaping the health and safety literacy, which is necessary for life, to a large extent. The effective fulfillment of expected results of education in the given issue is determined by a number of social factors and circumstances. The teacher's personality plays there a key role. The article deals with current issue of health promotion and safety protection in education in the context of current social needs and challenges, which call for curriculum revision and adequate changes in teacher education. The attention is paid to the rapid rise of digital technologies into everyday life and the need to manage the reality of health and safety threat due to emergency.

Klíčová slova

health and safety education, digital technologies, Framework Education Programfor Elementary Education, teacher education


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