Life in Health 2021: Research and Practice. Proceedings of the International Conference held on 9–10 September 2021
KapitolaAnalysis of the projected curriculum of the educational field of Health Education
Rok vydání: 2021
The Analysis of the projected curriculum of the educational field of Health education dealt with the current projected curriculum of Health education in connection with current conceptual materials. The main goal of the research was the analysis of school educational programs at selected elementary schools. The theoretical basis for this research was the curriculum, its forms and conducted researches on the curriculum. Then the research was based on the development of the field of Health education and projects and programs related to this educational field. It also contains basic methodological data on research, which focuses on the projected form of Health education curriculum evaluated based on a deeper analysis of school educational programs of selected elementary schools. At the end, the results are summarized and conclusions and recommendations especially for school practice are formulated. The acquired results show that the time allocation for Health education ranges from 1 to 4 hours per week, most schools teach Health education as a separate subject, almost all schools have all the thematic areas of Health education included and each school provides interdisciplinary relationships. The result of the presented research is the formulation of starting points for the improvement of Health education.
Klíčová slova
curriculum, Framework Education Programme (FEP), school education program (SEP), lower secondary education, health education
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