Life in Health 2021: Research and Practice. Proceedings of the International Conference held on 9–10 September 2021
KapitolaThe impact of COVID-19 on Physical Activity of Czech children
Rok vydání: 2021
Introduction: The pandemic of coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and related restrictions (closed schools and sports centers, social isolation, masks) may have a negative impact on children’s health. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the level of physical activity (PA) of Czech children during COVID-19 in autumn 2020. Methods: Ninety-eight Czech children (mean age = 10.1 ± 1.47 years) completed the standardized Physical Activity Questionnaire for Older Czech Children (PAQ-C/cz) during COVID lockdown. Data were compared with previously published norms. Thirty-five children also reported daily number of steps measured by accelerometers. Results: Total PAQ-C score was 0.38 lower during COVID compared to Pre-COVID [t(302) = 5.118., p < .001]. The male PAQ-C total score was 0.37 lower [t(146) = 3.21., p = .002)] and the female total score was 0.39 lower [t(154) = 3.97., p < .001] during COVID compared to Pre-COVID. Specifically, responses of PA during spare time, before-school, physical education (PE), and recess were significantly lower during COVID. The average number of steps was 7.767 steps/day (boys = 9.255; girls = 6.982). Conclusions: COVID lockdown resulted in significant reduction of PA in Czech children. Strategies to promote adequate PA of children during the pandemic need to be determined.
Klíčová slova
coronavirus, movement, younger school age, public health
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