Sborník konference didaktiky přírodních věd DidSci+ 2021



Based on the results of the input questionnaire, it is shown that students of the Psychological Faculty of Moscow State University who begin to study the subject "Physical and Chemical Foundations of Modern Natural Science" demonstrate an extreme heterogeneity of training in chemistry. This can be explained by their different educational trajectories in preparation for entering the university. In such conditions, provided that the chemistry course is extremely short, it is proposed to concentrate the educational process on lectures and seminars on a few basic points that are interesting and accessible to all categories of students. The example of such point, namely the topic “Solutions” is given. It is shown that the results demonstrated by students in the exam have improved after the introduction of seminars and the use of new didactic materials in lectures and seminars.

Klíčová slova

basic chemistry education, chemistry for humanities students, higher school


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[2] (accessed 26th July, 2021)

[3] (accessed 26th July, 2021)

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