Socio-economic Determinants of Sustainble Consumption and Production II. Proceedings of Scientific Papers



Sustainable consumption and production is one of the goals of sustainable development as an important global market. Risk management is currently one of the important areas that private or public institutions have to face. Businesses need to respond flexibly to sudden changes caused, both by their internal factors and by the external effects of market fluctuations, structural changes in the economy, globalization, the enormous increase in competition and various other influences. The food industry is a very important sector in the industrial portfolio and economy of Slovakia, which is directly linked to other sectors, has a significant impact on the development of regions and ensures the nutrition of the population, so it is important to examine it in terms of risk management. The article focuses on a summary of the basic attributes of food risk management in terms of sustainable consumption and production.

Klíčová slova

risk management, food industry, sustainable consumption, production


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