Socio-economic Determinants of Sustainble Consumption and Production II. Proceedings of Scientific Papers


Udržanie konkurencieschopnosti vybraných právnych foriem poľnohospodárskych podnikov počas pandémie Covid 19

Rok vydání: 2021


The Covid 19 pandemic is a global pandemic, not just a health crisis, which is having a devastating effect on the world economy in general. Its effects are also increasingly visible in the food and agricultural sectors as the main nutrition sector of the population. Despite individual measures in all countries of the world, the spread of the virus is beginning to disrupt the supply of agri-food products to markets and to consumers, both within and across borders. Most large economies are expected to enter recession as a result of the Covid 19 pandemic, and the OECD estimates that the necessary restrictions and measures continue each month, causing production to fall and thus annual GDP growth to fall by up to 2 percent. The aim of this paper is to find out how very harmful these effects of the pandemic are on the individual agricultural production of countries and individual legal forms, such as self-employed farmers and agricultural cooperatives, which are generally considered more viable due to cooperative principles and values during crises. with other legal forms.

Klíčová slova

Agricultural cooperatives, Farmers, Agricultural production, Covid 19, Slovakia


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