Cofola International 2021. International and National Arbitration – Challenges and Trends of the Present and Future



Given the specificity of labor relations, and thus disputes that may arise from these relations, there are several ways to resolve them. Besides the regular procedure before the competent national court, i.e., court proceeding, there is also a possibility of out-of-court or an alternative dispute resolution. The paper analyzes arbitration as one of the alternative ways of resolving individual labor disputes and, given the different points of view of case law and legal doctrine, especially the arbitrability of these labor disputes. As the norms that regulate the possibility of resolving individual labor disputes are in-conclusive and inconsistent in relation to the general rules on arbitration, they do not explicitly answer the question whether the disputes are arbitrable, nor do they clearly define the preconditions for in-terpreting the arbitrability of these disputes according to general arbitration rules. In this sense, the paper analyzes the answers to these open questions, and offers solutions de lege ferenda in terms of arbitrability of individual labor disputes in Croatian law.

Klíčová slova

Alternative Way of Resolving Disputes; Arbitration; Arbitrability; Labor Disputes; Individual Labor Dis-putes.


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