Protistátní trestné činy včera a dnes. Sborník z konference



The contribution “Anti-state Crimes in Modern Codifications” deals with the topic of anti-state crimes during centuries. Firstly, legal concepts in the pre-state period are mentioned. Then the attention is paid on the evolution of this institute in the Euro-Atlantic area. From this point of view, there are mentioned mainly regulations from England (1351), France (1810), Germany (1871) and Soviet Union (1958) which could be remarked as the most important for the development of other countries. On the other hand, it also reminds the development of codifications in Czechoslovakia, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, which were affected by the Austro-Hungarian legislations as well as German and Soviet approaches. The Czech current arrangement generally does not depart from the other European samples, but it cannot be omitted that in the Czech Republic it is distinguished the penal concept of the high treason (Landesverrat, vlastizrada) from the constitutional concept (Hochverrat, velezrada) which is dedicated to the presidential anti-state activities. The contribution also indicates that the concept of anti-state crimes in countries has not been unified and it has been varying according to various experiences and attitudes.