Functional Plurality of Language in Contextualised Discourse. Eighth Brno Conference on Linguistics Studies in English. Conference Proceedings. Brno, 12–13 September 2019



Across the gamut of media formats – from television to the Internet – beauty product advertising influences consumers on a daily basis. Each advertisement seeks to persuade potential buyers of the product's value, or even its necessity for the buyer's well-being and self-image. These techniques, sometimes manipulative in nature, affect consumers’ self-concepts. One of the signature strengths of the beauty advertisement lies in its ability to transform seemingly mundane objects into highly desirable products. In some cases, the beauty industry uses buzzwords and scientific words to convince consumers of a product's value; these linguistic devices describe the product's apparent capabilities and appeal to the consumer's ego by suggesting that the product will enhance the assets the consumer already possesses. All things considered, the present paper deals with a comparative study of skincare product advertisements in English and Georgian and focuses on the use of persuasive strategies, buzzwords and scientific terminology in the advertisements that manipulate and influence potential consumers.

Klíčová slova

skincare advertisement, manipulation and suggestion, buzzwords, scientific words/terminology, conceptual metaphor, implied metaphor


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