(Teaching) Regional Geography. Proceedings of 27th Central European Conference. 17th October 2019, Brno



The aim of this paper is to evaluate the quality of environmental visualization of selected regions in Czech geography textbooks for primary and lower secondary schools. The method of quantitative content analysis of visuals was used. The categories of quantitative analysis were defined based on the content of the environmental and geographical curriculum, for example landscape type, emotional charge etc. The results show a relatively similar structure of environmental visualization between textbooks: emotionally positive visuals showing the protection of cultural-historical heritage and protection of nature dominate. The exception is the Moravskoslezský kraj, which is visually presented in a negative way compared to other regions. In textbooks there are a minimum of abstract visuals or visuals showing the tendencies of environmental components.

Klíčová slova

visual; geography textbook; environment; region; textbook analyses


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