(Teaching) Regional Geography. Proceedings of 27th Central European Conference. 17th October 2019, Brno



The agriculture in Slovakia has undergone structural changes since its accession to the European Union (EU) in 2004, that have been linked to the adoption of the Common Agricultural Policy of the EU Member States. The article focuses on the Nitra region as a typical agricultural region of Slovakia and its development from the agricultural point of view from 2004. Compared to other Slovak regions the Nitra region has good soil climatic ratios, for the development of agriculture. The Nitra region has the largest share of agricultural land which is characterized by a high-level share of arable land from total agricultural land. The region has the highest values in gross agricultural production from the 2004-2016 reporting period. It has good results in plant and livestock production. The region has the highest employment in agriculture. Despite the decline in agricultural land, as well as a decline in total employment in agriculture, the region has the highest employment in agriculture in Slovakia. It is characterized by a well-developed business structure for intensive agricultural production.

Klíčová slova

Nitra region, plants production, livestock production, employment in agriculture, business structure


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