Current Trends in Public Sector Research. Proceedings of the 24th International Conference
KapitolaLegal Status of a Pharmacist as a Participant of the Pharmacy Market in Poland
Rok vydání: 2020
The provision of the pharmaceutical service is the basic designation of the pharmacy activities as a public health care facility and is a correlate of the subjective right to health care guaranteed under the Polish Constitution. The provision of the pharmaceutical service remains within the scope of the profession of a pharmacist as a profession of public trust, which is also a regulated profession. Taking into account the need to ensure the highest level of implementation of the right to health care, the legal status of a pharmacist as a participant in the pharmacy market should be subject to special legal protection. The assessment of the existing legal status in this respect remains justified by both the subjective distinction between categories of entrepreneurs who hold a permit to operate a generally accessible pharmacy, as well as the legislative process on principles of fulfilling the pharmacist's professional obligations included in the draft Act on the profession of pharmacist. The purpose of this article is to assess the indicated legal conditions undertaken both on the basis of the existing legal status and proposed statutory solutions.
Klíčová slova
Pharmaceutical Law, pharmacist, pharmacy market, public health
[1] Judgment of the Provincial Administrative Court in Warsaw of 10.10.2019 reference number VI SA/Wa 1126/19, public Central Database of Administrative Court Decisions (hereinafter: CBOSA).
[2] KONDRAT M., MASEŁBAS W., STAFAŃCZYK-KACZMARZYK J., ZIELIŃSKI W. 2016. Pharmaceutical Law. Commentary, Wolters Kluwer, Warsaw., p. 1022.
[3] Justification of the draft act of 7 April 2017 amending the Pharmaceutical Law (Print 1126) 2016. [online] Seym of the Republic of Poland. Available on
[4] Judgment of the Constitutional Tribunal of 20.08.1992, reference number K. 4/92, Z.U. 1992//22; OTK1986-1995/t3/1992/SF2/22.
[5] Judgment of the Provincial Administrative Court in Warsaw of 13.08.2015 reference number VI SA/Wa 876/15, public CBOSA.
[6] Draft act of 31.12.2019 on the profession of pharmacist, 2020. [online] Government Legislation Center. Available on
[7] Justification of the draft act on the profession of pharmacist, 2020. [online] Government Legislation Centre. Available on
[8] Judgment of the Provincial Administrative Court in Warsaw of 18.08.2016, reference number VI SA/Wa 202/16, public CBOSA.
[9] Judgment of the Supreme Administrative Court of 20.02.2019 reference number II GSK 5609/16, public Central Database of Administrative Court Decisions (CBOSA).