Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Kinanthropology. Sport and Quality of Life. 7. – 9. 11. 2019


A Comparative Study of primary school teachers’ attitudes and opinions towards inclusive education in the South Moravian Region and Split-Dalmatian County

Rok vydání: 2020


The research is focused on teachers‘ approaches, opinions, and visions concerning inclusive education in the South Moravian Region and the Split-Dalmatian County. Further to that, it analyses the degree of Inclusion in these areas. The relationship of pedagogues towards Inclusion, due to a steep increase of specific disorders, is extremely important. The research was made in the year when the inclusive education bill was passed in the Czech Republic. Data was collected in the first school year when schools in Czech Republic functioned as in-clusive. Data collection took place in Split-Dalmatian county in 2016 and the South Moravian Region in 2017. The research is qualitative, an open-question questionnaire was made, and a non-structured interview was made when visiting schools. We set the following hypothe-ses. We assume that teachers of selected schools of the Split-Dalmatia County evaluate Inclusion more negatively than teachers of selected primary schools in the South Moravian Region. This hypothesis is not confirmed. We expect that Inclusion will take place in selected elementary schools in the South Moravian Region more than in selected elementary schools in Split-Dalmatia County. This hypothesis is not confirmed. This research is based on the methodology and data from the diploma thesis of Nikola Stračárová 2017 (Stračárová, 2017).

Klíčová slova

Inclusion; South Moravian Region; Split-Dalmatian County; primary school teachers; physical education; International Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems


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