Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Kinanthropology. Sport and Quality of Life. 7. – 9. 11. 2019
KapitolaHypoxic training from the athlete´s biological passport point of view
Rok vydání: 2020
Purpose: Hypoxic training is frequent part of preparation of endurance athletes, but in the last years there are many polemics about effects of hypoxic training on the haemato-logical parameters analysing in athlete´s biological passport. The aim of the research was to detect the effect of three different methods of hypoxic training (high altitude training, intermittent hypoxic training, sleeping in hypoxic tent) on haematological parameters which are analysing in athlete´s biological passport. Methods: Three types of hypoxic preparation were compared. The ensemble contained of 7 long-distance men race walkers (age 27.4 years (SD ± 3.6); body height 177.0 cm (SD ± 8.1); body weight 63.1 kg (SD ± 5.3). Results: We detected statistical significant increase in haemoglobin level about 12.57 g.l-1 (p 0.05), the decrease of off-score after sleeping in hypoxic tent was about 1.8 (p > 0.05) and the decrease of off-score by intermittent hypoxic training was about 5.46 (p > 0.05).<br />Conclusion: Participation of hypoxic preparation can significantly influence parameters in athlete biological passport. According results of our research, we assume that all methods of hypoxic training can affect haematological parameters analysing in athlete´s biological passport (haemoglobin, reticulocytes).
Klíčová slova
hypoxic training; haematological parameters; athlete´s biological passport
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