Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Kinanthropology. Sport and Quality of Life. 7. – 9. 11. 2019
KapitolaThe Effect Of Kinesio Taping On The Result In The Standing Long Jump
Rok vydání: 2020
This paper draws attention to a short-term experiment that aims to elucidate the effect of kinesio taping of the musculus triceps surae on performance in the standing long jump. We therefore dealt with an area that has not yet been suficiently explored. For this reason, our aim was to determine and evaluate the effect of the application of kinesio taping on muscle strength in the standing long jump and to make a comparison with the results without the use of kinesio taping. The musculus triceps surae was selected for testing. Thus, we assume that the application of facilitation kinesio taping to the musculus triceps surae will influence the probands’ performance in the standing long jump. The experiment was performed with a group of n=20 young probands, athletes aged 16.25 (± 0.76), without prior injury. In this context, we realise that we cannot generalise the results to cover the entire population, es-pecially to injured individuals or after an accident.
Klíčová slova
fitness preparation; kinesio taping; standing long jump; testing
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