Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Kinanthropology. Sport and Quality of Life. 7. – 9. 11. 2019
KapitolaTraining System Hast For The Development Of Strength Abilities In Armwrestling
Rok vydání: 2020
In the opening the author describes the current situation in an armwrestling training. Based on the experiences and the study of literature he states that in practice there is almost no systematic guided training with a sparingpartner at a table. He perceives this as a problem. In the results he presents his own program HAST where he describes the individual training parametres. They are important for a quality training program with a sparingpartner at the armwrestling table. He points out the mistakes often made at the armwrestling training and he proposes suitable solutions within the scientifically based informations used in strength training. In the discussion he describes in detail the key parts of HAST and the experiences from the realization of this program with his trainees. In the end he states that the similar pro-gram should be a part of the preparation of armwrestlers and at the same time he adds that the scientific attesting is needed.<br />
Klíčová slova
specialized training; RPE; exercises with asparingpartner; parametres of training
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