Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Kinanthropology. Sport and Quality of Life. 7. – 9. 11. 2019
KapitolaIsokinetic Equipment In The Strength Training Of Armwrestlers
Rok vydání: 2020
The author introduces the main reasons for aiming his research at the development of isoki-netic, diagnostic and training equipment which should have its basic exploitation in armwres-tling. In the results he discusses what parts the equipment is composed of. He brings the information about what data from the IsoForce system can be obtained and what can be set up on the Tend Force Gauge microcomputer. Later he describes three modes of exercise in detail, their foundation in training process or in diagnosics. The author explains inevitable portable adjustable construction which allows the implementation of all needed movements for armwrestling and that it has to meet other different requirements. In the results he de-scribes all the advantages that TENDO IsoForce brings. He also informs about the tests that can be done within the diagnostics of strength abilities in armwrestling with the help of this equipment. In the end the author states that he sees the big potential in TENDO IsoForce for armwrestling purposes and informs about his plans for future as to the improvement of the equipment.
Klíčová slova
IsoForce; isokinetic dynamometers; testing; strength abilities; armwrestling
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