Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Kinanthropology. Sport and Quality of Life. 7. – 9. 11. 2019
KapitolaOpinions Of Teachers On Teaching Gymnastics In Banská Bystrica
Rok vydání: 2020
The aim of this article was to find out the views and attitudes of teachers of the fifth and sixth grades of elementary schools in Banská Bystrica on gymnastics. The research group consisted of total number of 25 physical and sport education teachers, 11 male and 14 females from eleven schools. We used our electronical questionnaire to find out the opinions of the teachers. We studied the opinions on teaching the gymnastics but also material equipment at elementary schools. In average we found out positive attitude of teachers toward gymnastics. The teachers consider the existing material equipment at elementary schools in Banská Bystrica to be suficient.
Klíčová slova
gymnastics; opinions; physical and sport education
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