Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Kinanthropology. Sport and Quality of Life. 7. – 9. 11. 2019



Purpose: The aim of our research was to analyze the interest of students of Masaryk Uni-versity (MU) in sports courses in mandatory physical education. The partial goals was sat-isfaction with the offer of subjects and the obligation to attend physical education within uni-versity studies. The University Sport Center (USC) of the Faculty of Sports Studies provides mandatory physical education at MU. Students are required to have two credits in physical education (PE) within their bachelor’s degree and long master’s degree. They can choose both a semester lesson or in a form of block lessons that take place on Friday or weekend, as well as multi-day summer or winter training courses.<br />Methods: We created a survey for our research. The subject of the questions was to find out if the students were familiar with the offer of USC-organized sports courses and, if not, what is the cause of this ignorance or nescience. We also looked at their preferences for sports courses, what activities they would prefer on the course. We were also interested in student satisfaction with the offer of PE courses and with the obligation to attend these courses. The results were processed by descriptive statistics and data analysis.<br />Results: Atotal of 1608 students from all MU faculties answered our survey. The survey was conducted in the spring semester of 2019 in semester teaching, both in mandatory and in paid form. We found that 67% of students do not know the offer of summer and winter training courses. The biggest problem why they don’t know the offer is the lack of interest in these activities. Among the activities that are interesting for them and would like to run them on summer courses are water sports, especially river rides, hiking, sightseeing, mountain hikes, cycling and rock climbing activities. Furthermore, we found that 95% of students are satisfied with the offer of PE courses. 91% of students see positively the obligation to attend PE at universities, 44% of them would like PE for 3 semesters or more.<br />Conclusion: Physical activity plays an important role in student life. For a young person who wants to be a university educated expert, movement, health, and vitality have an irreplacea-ble function. From the results of our investigation we can conclude that students are aware of the influence of active sports in their lives, agree with the organization of PE within their uni-versity studies and want to actively participate in physical education. Exceptions are sports courses, which they are not interested in, or have no idea that they exist. Based on the re-sults, we will look for ways to promote both summer and winter courses, so that students can be informed about the offer (cooperation with MU faculties and rectorate) and then we will find ways to make the courses more attractive for students.

Klíčová slova

Sports courses; mandatory physical education; students


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