Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Kinanthropology. Sport and Quality of Life. 7. – 9. 11. 2019
KapitolaParents and their Children’s Sports
Rok vydání: 2020
An essay is rooted in the exploration of broader complex context of the phenomenon of phys-ical motion and sportive activities in contemporary sedentary society. It is at that time the topical problem of pointed parenting styles that is freshen and enliven in the context of edu-cational support aiming to active life orientation, including regular sportive activities. The spe-cific accents and educational methods of parenting are playing crucial role in this respect at the level of authoritative, authoritarian, liberal and neglecting styles (Sekot, 2019). Parenting styles prefiguring motivation of children to regular sportive activities and responsible attitude to life. And such process is going under way of socialization factors and impacts, bringing up to date the sociological links and context of mutual relation to motivation of children and youth to sport also in the context of organizational sportive activities out of the family. Now-adays we face forming socially and culturally determined relation child – parents – trainer (coach). Like this relation yields in the context of the climate of consumerist postmodern soci-ety adoring top elite athletes. Such cultural milieu forms potential conflicts of interests of mo-tivation, experience and pointing separate participants of such „triangle“. Given situation aim our effort to the crucial topic of parental responsibility as well as to growing educational and socialization importance of trainers and coaches. During the synergic process are pervaded practical aspects of the importance of age and motivation; but parental role is in this respect utterly essential and indispensable. Parental role is growing when parents play modelling role by way of mutual sportive activities with children. Thus, as it is in the essay substantiate with relevant research pieces of information and empirical data on parental role in motivation of children to regular physical activity and sport.<br />
Klíčová slova
parenting; sport; physical activity, trainer; sedentary
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