Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Kinanthropology. Sport and Quality of Life. 7. – 9. 11. 2019
KapitolaDevelopment Of Emotional Skills Among 15–16-Year-Old Adolescents In Physical Education Classes
Rok vydání: 2020
Background: The aim of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of the 16 weeks educational program of emotional skills in physical education classes on development of emotional skills among 15–16-year-old adolescents in physical education classes. Study hy-pothesis – the application of 16 weeks educational program would allow expecting more de-veloped emotional skills among 15–16-year-old adolescents in physical education classes. Subjects and methods: Participants in the study were 51 pupils of the ninth grade (15.15±0.36). Experimental group consisted of 25 and the control group of 26 adolescents. The measures of emotional skills were evaluated using Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire – Short Form (TEIQue – SF), Social Emotional School Readiness Scale (BUSSESR), and self-confidence methodology, developed by Stolin (Пантилеев, Столин, 1989). Educational experiment was used as a method to verify the eficiency of the educational program. Repeated measures (RM) multivariate analysis of variance (2 × 2 (Group × Time) MANOVA) was used in order to analyze the effects of the educational program.<br />Results: After the 16-weeks educational program (structural physical education classes), a significant improvement was found in emotional skills scores for the experimental group compared with the control group, which had a statistically significant effects: adolescents in the experimental group had more developed self-awareness (F (1,49) = 5.86; p < .05; η 2 = .11), self-confidence (F (1,49) = 5.28; p < .05; η 2 = .10) skills, and the abilities to express emotions (F (1,49) = 5.95; p < .05; η 2 = .11) in physical education classes. These results indi-cated that the structural physical education classes had a positive influence on adolescents’ emotional skills.<br />Conclusions: It was found that during the 16 weeks educational experiment the applied mea-sures of educational impact had a statistically significant effect on the components of exper-imental group 15–16-year-old adolescents’ self-awareness, self-confidence skills, and the abilities to express emotions in physical education classes.<br />
Klíčová slova
emotional skills; educational program; adolescents; physical education classes
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