Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Kinanthropology. Sport and Quality of Life. 7. – 9. 11. 2019
KapitolaMatch running performance in relation to a playing position in Croatian Football League
Rok vydání: 2020
Global popularity of football (soccer) has led to implementation of scientific and technolog-ical knowledge in its everyday use. One of such things that has been expanding in recent years is the application of various technologies for monitoring running performance during trainings and matches. The aim of this study was to evaluate match running performance of professional football/soccer players during oficial matches by using global positioning sys-tem (GPS) technology, and to compare it among playing positions.<br /><br />One hundred and one match performance of “Hajduk” team in 14 matches of Croatian Football League season 2018/2019 were used for this study. The activities of the players were monitored using GPS technology (Catapult S5 and X4 devices, Melbourne, Australia) with a sampling frequency of 10 Hz. Total distance covered, distance in different speed cat-egories, total and high intensity accelerations and decelerations were analyzed for players in five different playing positions: central defenders (n=26), full-backs (n=24), midfielders (n=33), wingers (n=10), and forwards (n=8). Additionally, running performances were cor-related with InStat index, regular performance indicator which is calculated on the basis of unique set of key parameters for each position (12 to 14 factors).<br /><br />Average total distance covered during match was 10.3 km, with midfielders covering larg-est (11.1 km) and central backs covering smallest average distance (9.3 km). Playing po-sitions differed significantly in high intensity running (F-test = 21.97 and 18.84, p 25 km/h, respectively). The side positions (wingers and full-backs) covered highest-, while central defenders covered lowest-average distance (914, 775, and 376 m, respectively). The wingers had highest number of high intensity accelerations and decelerations (> 3 m/s2; F-test = 16.56 and 17.98, p 0.5 m/s2; F-test = 6.57, and 15.26, p < 0.01, respectively). InStat index was not correlated with data ob-tained by GPS measurement.<br /><br />Results from this study indicate that running demands differ depending on playing positions so these findings should be applied in creating training plan and program. Future studies should evaluate data from multiple teams for getting more applicable findings.
Klíčová slova
running performance; soccer; accelerations; decelerations
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