Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Kinanthropology. Sport and Quality of Life. 7. – 9. 11. 2019
KapitolaSpecificity of the anthropometric characteristics and fitness abilities of male volleyball players
Rok vydání: 2020
Purpose: The main goal of this study is to analyze possible differences in the space of anthro-pometric characteristics, motoric and functional capabilities on the sample of senior male vol-leyball players with different playing roles. On the base of obtained data normative and modal values could be established eventually helping coaches to perform secondary selection – so called volleyball specialization (at the age of 15–16), pointing young players to certain roles where they will be able to achieve maximum results in the volleyball career.<br />Methods: The research was conducted on 74 senior volleyball players all members of Cro-atian premier league teams. Players were categorized as setters (n = 11), central players (n = 17), receivers – attackers (n = 20), opposite hitters (n = 16), and liberos (n = 10). The sample of independent variables consisted of 4 anthropometric measures (body height, body weight, one hand standing reach and two hand standing reach. Ten standardized were used for the assessment of motor skills: lateral agility, starting acceleration, spike and block reach, general flexibility, explosive strength of arms and shoulders, spiking speed, repetitive strength of trunk flexors, static strength of trunk extensor and repetitive strength of chest, arm and shoulders. For the estimation of functional abilities, the relative maximal oxygen consump-tion was used. Dependent variable – playing role – is numerically defined and represents the afiliation of a player to a specific group: (1) setters, (2) central players, (3) receivers – at-tackers, (4) opposite hitters and (5) libero players. A one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) with Tukey HSD post-hoc test was used to determine possible significant differences among groups of players. The level of significance was set at 0.05.<br />Results: Significant differences (p < 0,05) were detected for 8 of 16 measured variables – all four anthropometric measures and four measures for the assessment of specific speed – strength capacities.<br />Conclusion: Based on the obtained results, it is possible to identify the grouping of players in two subgroups, subgroup of attacking players (central players, receivers – attackers and opposite hitters) and the subgroup of the other players (setters and libero players). The main goal of the attackers is to win points with spiking blocking and serving actions for which they need certain anthropometric characteristics (height, weight, and arm span) and capabilities that enable high reaches during those actions. Extremely important is the ability to generate high spiking and serving speeds to prevent the reaction of the opponent block, defense, and service reception. For the second subgroup it can be said that they are not necessarily concentrated on winning points but on the preparation activities before spike in attack or counterattack like service reception (libero), defense (libero and setter) or setting (setter and libero) in the attack and counterattack complex for which body height, body weight and specific speed – strength capacities are not crucial (setter) or they are completely irrelevant (libero). Based on the obtained results the experts in the training process can direct the play-ers toward specific role and develop very skills that are highly correlated with the specific situational eficiency in the game.
Klíčová slova
volleyball; anthropometry; condition; specialization; playing role
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