Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Kinanthropology. Sport and Quality of Life. 7. – 9. 11. 2019
KapitolaComparison of FMS tests between female and male volleyball players with possible implications on volleyball performance
Rok vydání: 2020
Purpose: The main goal of this study is to determine possible differences in the range and quality of movement between senior male and female volleyball players of HAOK Mladost. Methods: Respondents, all right-handed and healthy, were members of the senior volleyball team of HAOK Mladost (female n=24, male n=17). The testing was conducted during the transition period, between the first and second competition period. We used seven tests, all part of standard FMS protocol: Deep Squat (DS), Hurdle Step (HS), In-Line Lunge (ILL), Shoulder Mobility (SM), Active Straight Leg Raise (ASLR), Trunk Stability Push-up (TSPU), Rotary Stability (RS), with 12 measured variables (left and right side for five bilateral tests plus DS and TSPU). Educated staff at the Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Zagreb con-ducted the testing. The examination of significance of the differences between senior male and female volleyball players was conducted by using the nonparametric Mann-Whitney U test.<br /><br />Results: Statistical analysis showed significant difference in three tests: In – Line Lunge Left (ILLL), z= -2,11, p=0,03, with moderate effect size (r=0.33), Active Straight Leg Raise Left (ASLRL), z= -2,58, p=0,01, with moderate to strong effect size (r=0.4) and Stability Push-up (TSPU) z= -3,68, p=0,00, with strong effect size (r=0.58).<br /><br />Conclusion: Statistically significant difference was determined in the range and quality of movement in three measured variables. Male volleyball players achieved better results in two tests: In-Line Lunge Left (ILLL) and Stability Push-up (TSPU). That addresses to a higher ability to keep the balance during lunges (reaction on short balls during reception or defence phase of the game) and considerably higher ability to maintain the stability of the trunk in the transfer of force from the upper extremities to the lower (during block) and vice versa (during spike). It is interesting to note that female volleyball players achieved a significantly better rating in the Active Straight Leg Raise Left (ASLRL) test, suggesting a better flexibility of the left hamstrings and better right hip mobility which enables higher capacity in performing el-ements which require extension, which include almost all volleyball elements (hitting, serve receive and transition into offense, defence and transition into counterattack and blocking, smashing and jump serve).
Klíčová slova
stability; mobility; FMS; volleyball skills; female; male
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