XXIII. mezinárodní kolokvium o regionálních vědách. Sborník příspěvků



Housing policy on municipal level is in the Czech realm neither thoroughly analysed, nor systematically performed. Policymakers lack basic data-base for taking competent decisions. This study shall establish a base for further discussion on factors, effects and importance of municipal housing policy for urban development. A comparative analysis of three Czech cities has been performed with the aim to answer the questions what explains a housing policy, whether and how housing policy may impact urban development (factors) and what the effects are. This study proved that housing policy does have an impact on urban development and that this fact is not clearly reflected in the Czech multilevel governance. The relevance of multiple socio-economic factors of housing policy for urban development has been examined. From the identified effects of these factors, a set of hypotheses for further research has been developed. The study consists of four parts. The first one frames housing policy in a context of place-based regional theories and explains the Czech system of multilevel governance in this field. The second section explains the use of comparative analysis and the selection of indicators as well as the collected data. The third part comments on obtained data and the final one draws suggestions for further research of academics and better decisions of policymakers.

Klíčová slova

place-based model, urban development, housing policy, municipal policy