Universal, Regional, National – Ways of the Development of Private International Law in 21st Century


Should the Discussion on Whether Non-state Law might be Elected as the Governing Law of Contract be Silenced Forever?

Rok vydání: 2019



While the extent of the choice of law governing the cross-border contract is subjected to positive law, in the European Union being the Rome I Regulation, some always argued for expanded party autonomy regarding the non-state law. The European Commission proposed the incorporation of such in Rome I Regulation, but it has been ultimately rejected. This article considers the European development, debates whether discussion on non-state law being allowed as the governing law to a cross-border contract is still vital and provides an answer whether discussion on such should be ended or not.

Klíčová slova

Non-state Law; Lex Mercatoria; Rome I Regulation; Hague Principles; Globalization; Dichotomy, Model Law, Doctrine.


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