Universal, Regional, National – Ways of the Development of Private International Law in 21st Century



Sharia and its conflict with the private law within the EU is one of the most current problems in the conflict of laws. In accordance with the doctrine of ordre public, a foreign law that is otherwise applicable is disregarded if its application would violate some fundamental interest, basic policy, general principle of justice, or prevailing concept of good morals in the forum state. This doctrine is used and followed by judicial procedures not only at “the old continent” but also in Islamic countries. This article shows the basic aspects of Sharia, Islamic legal tradition and the reflection of all the connected aspects in European Union private law and legislation. Some selected chapters analyse the most important differences in the legislation and judicial practice in the EU member states.

Klíčová slova

Sharia; Public Order; International Private Law; Legislation; Juridical Practice; Conflict of Laws; talaq; iğmā; qiyas; urf; ādā.


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