Universal, Regional, National – Ways of the Development of Private International Law in 21st Century


Flexibility in Approaches to Conflict-of-law Solutions – Section 24 (1) of the Private International Law Act

Rok vydání: 2019



The paper deals with the question of flexibility in approaching conflict-of-law rules as a whole. The Czech Private International Law Act (adopted in 2012, in force since 1 January 2014) inclined towards the possibility of not applying the conflict-of-law rules contained in the Act itself under certain specific conditions. This represents a significant change compared to the previous regulations. The paper analyses the escape clause in section 24 (1) Czech PILA.

Klíčová slova

Flexibility vs. Rigidity in Conflict-of-law Approaches; Czech Private International Law Act 2012; Section 24 (1) Czech PILA.


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