Patterns and Variation in English Language Discourse. 9th Brno Conference on Linguistics Studies in English



This paper focuses on the frequency and accuracy of five types of grammatical collocations G8E-G8I (Benson et al. 1986) in CZEMATELC, an English language learner corpus (8,338 types; 211,503 tokens) consisting of 1,841 English exam texts from the written part of the national school-leaving exams between 2015 and 2019. The findings reveal the prevalence of A1-A2 CEFR level colligations relying on a limited number of verb lemmas, a wide incorrect pattern variation and preference for patterns which are also the most frequent patterns of their Czech equivalents.

Klíčová slova

post-verbal complementation, grammatical collocations, colligations, non-finite clauses, complementation patterns, two-verb sequences, infinitive clauses, ing-clauses


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