COFOLA International 2022. Current Challenges of Resolution of International (Cross-Border) Disputes
KapitolaPotential Nexus Between the Enforceability of Foreign Judgments and the Quality of Civil Justice in ASEAN
Rok vydání: 2022
To leverage the full potential of the ASEAN single market, the free flow of commercial judgments amongst the Member States, like in the EU, would be desirable. However, according to the state of things in 2022, judgments in ASEAN cannot circulate entirely freely within the Member States. This paper deals with one of the potential aspects that a state may consider when it decides whether to enforce a foreign judgment: the quality of civil justice in the country from which the judgment originates. The aim of this research is to ascertain if there is any correlation (and if so, what) between the ASEAN Member States’ stances regarding the enforceability of commercial judgments rendered by the courts of another Member State and the quality of civil judicial service of the latter.
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