COFOLA International 2022. Current Challenges of Resolution of International (Cross-Border) Disputes



This paper seeks to answer the question of how the pandemic has given rise to new solutions in the field of alternative dispute resolution. It examines the legislative processes these solutions have generated and, looking ahead, asks whether these legislative solutions can be expected to remain timeless or even evolve. Unfortunately, the examination of this question has also become topical, as humanity, which has been locked in a pandemic, is once again facing serious isolation due to the outbreak of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict. The global loss of confidence, which is dramatically accelerating in a war situation, is a further serious challenge compared to the pandemic experience. What role can alternative dispute resolution play in this situation? Are the technological changes imposed by the pandemic useful for alternative dispute resolution?

Klíčová slova

Alternative Dispute Resolution; Loss of Trust; Online Dispute Resolution; Pandemic; War Conflict.


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