Sustainable Business Development Perspectives. Proceedings of Scientific Papers
KapitolaThe impact of Industry 4.0 on the structure of the workforce in the production and in the logistics
Rok vydání: 2022
As a result of the introduction of new technologies, it is now possible to observe changes in the labour market. In this paper, we have tried to analyse the impact of introducing new technologies and innovations on the structure of the labour force in the Slovak Republic. Manual work will be gradually automated with the help of robots. Automatic and programmed production equipment will prevail in production areas. Humans will be the ones who will take over the management and control activities over them. The increase in the number of skilled workers with higher education, combined with the increasing productivity of production, demonstrates the impact of Industry 4.0 elements. It can be expected that further innovative changes will also require higher numbers of more skilled workers. At the same time, other labour market opportunities will have to be found for the less-skilled workers
Klíčová slova
workforce, production and logistics, Industry 4.0
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