Musica viva in schola XXVII. Sborník konferenčních příspěvků



The topic of the presentation is the traditions of Hungarian elementary music schools. In this school type, music is taught in a higher number of lessons from the first to the eighth grade, in the lower primary years (from the first to the fourth grade) 4+2, later 3+2 lessons a week, the +2 refers to choir practice. The material is traditionally based on folk music, music eras, and the works of Kodály and Bartók. The presentation collects the works of Kodály and Bartók, taught in the eighth grade, and other significant pieces. New music is represented by Miklós Kocsár’s piano pieces and choir pieces.

Klíčová slova

..Hungarian music, elementary music school, music tradition, Zoltán Kodály, Béla Bartók


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