Current issues of the Russian language teaching XIV



Rok vydání: 2020


Over the last two decades, students of the Russian language have tended to analyse and interpret the texts of literary works in an overly simplistic manner. Such analysis tends to refer only to the text itself, sometimes only to the plot. It was the recognition of this fact which provided us with the inspiration to prepare a new reading-book concerned with Russian literature, which motivates the students not only to read literary works, but also to gain knowledge on how to read, understand and interpret a literary work. Initial feedback concerning the use of the reading-book has shown the concept to be successful.

Klíčová slova

Russian literature, reading-book, interpretation, complex understanding of the literary work


Biryukova, А. B. (2015). Fiction in the classes of Russian language as a foreign language in the non-Russian environment: between sense and language [Khudozhestvennaya literatura na zanyatiyakh po russkomu yazyku kak inostrannomu v inoyazychnoj srede: mezhdu smyslom i yazykom]. In Russian language and literature in the framework of world culture. Granada, Spain, 13–20 September 2015. The proceedings of the XIII congress MAPRYAL in 15 volumes. Volume 15, specialization 14: Methods of Russian language teaching: theory and practice [Russkij yazyk i literatura v prostranstve mirovoy kultury. G. Granada, Ispaniya, 13–20 sentyabrya 2015 goda. Materialy XIII kongressa  MAPRYAL v 15 tomakh. Tom 15, napravlenie 14: Metodika prepodavaniya russkogo yazyka i literatury: teoriya i praktika]. Sankt-Petersburg: MAPRYAL. Retrieved from URL [2020-06-08]

Dohnal, J. (2016). Russian short story. Reading-book and workbook in interpretation of the literary text [Ruská povídka. Čítanka a cvičebnice interpretace literárního textu]. Brno: Tribun EU. 202 p.

Dohnal, J. (2015). Serious changes in the ability to understand text of fiction and teaching of Russian literature as a foreign one. [Seryoznye izmeneniya v sposobnosti ponimat literaturnyj tekst i prepodavanie russkoy literatury kak inostrannoj]. In Russian language and literature in the framework of world culture. Granada, Spain, 13–20 September 2015. The proceedings of the XIII congress MAPRYAL in 15 volumes. Volume 15, specialization 14: Methods of Russian language teaching: theory and practice [Russkij yazyk i literatura v prostranstve mirovoy kultury. G. Granada, Ispaniya, 13–20 sentyabrya 2015 goda. Materialy XIII kongressa  MAPRYAL v 15 tomakh. Tom 15, napravlenie 14: Metodika prepodavaniya russkogo yazyka i literatury: teoriya i praktika]. Sankt-Petersburg: MAPRYAL, pp. 26-31.

Dohnal, J. (2013). Reading and the questions of digital dementia [Čtenářství a otazníky kolem digitální demence]. In Text and context [Text a kontext]. Brno: Masaryk university Brno, Faculty of Arts, pp. 88-94.

Dohnal, J. (2007). Belles lettres in the contemporary students´ world [Krásná literatura ve světě dnešních studentů]. World of literature [Svět literatury], 36, pp. 126-128.

Nikolayeva, М. V. (2008). Upgrading the interpretative abilities of students in the proces of fiction text reading [Sovershenstvovanie interpretacionnoy deyatelnosti studentov v processe chteniya khudozhestvennogo teksta]. Ph.D. thesis. Moscow. Retrieved from URL: [2020-06-08]