Diversity of gas supplies as a key precondition for an effective V4 gas market

Jan Osička, Peter Plenta, Veronika Zapletalová

Název anglicky: Diversity of gas supplies as a key precondition for an effective V4 gas market

In 2013, the Polish Centre for Eastern Studies (OSW) issued a paper by Sergio Ascari, The Gas Target Model for the Visegrad 4 region. The paper outlined a conceptual analysis of the plausibility of an integrated natural gas market in the V4 region. Ascari concluded that integrating smaller markets would be beneficial providing the final market fulfills three basic criteria of liquidity: 1. Size of at least 20 bcmy 2. Three different sources of gas 3. Low wholesale market concentration (HHI 2,000 or less). This study intends to provide a detailed overview of the diversification options that could, in the medium term, boost the number of independent sources of gas supplied to the V4 border. We evaluate the pipeline (PNG) options of Norway and the Southern Gas Corridor (SGC), unconventional resources (UNG), and liquefied natural gas (LNG) that will be supplied to the V4 as early as 2015.
This e-book was published by Research Center of the Slovak Foreign Policy Association, Bratislava, Slovak Republic.

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E-kniha (PDF)

ISBN-13 978-80-89356-43-0
Velikost souboru 2.3 MiB
Počet stran 85
Rok vydání 2015
Pořadí vydání 1., elektronické

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